Presenters: Tyann Cherry, Dr. Michelle Loyet and Ann Kimbrough
Event: NACADA Region VII Conference, March 4-6, 2012
Description: Effective advisor training is the foundation of any successful training program, yet even the most basic training is absent at many institutions (Koring 2005, NACADA Clearinghouse). This session will take your through the development of an advisor training program based on McCllelan's 2007 "Content Components for Advisor Training: Revisited." See first-hand how a training program was organically grown and consciously planned to address key components such as advising and career theory along with relational development. Technologies used include asynchronous online courses, a mentorship program, synchronous webinar series and detailed informational supports. Advisor training - it's not just reading degree audits anymore.
References and Guides:
H. (2005). Advisor Training and Development. Retrieved December 12, 2011 from the NACADA
Clearinghouse of Academic Advising Resources Web site:
J.L. (2007). Content Components for Advisor Training: Revisited.
Retrieved September 9, 2010 from NACADA Clearinghouse of Academic
Advising Resources Web site: